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Ifé and the Legend of the Seven Masks

Ifé was a project I started for some illustration classes at the Belas Artes games college, you can see the initial project here at this link, after some college friends saw it and some really cool people were excited to take on the project and really make a game during the holidays!

As the game demo isn't ready yet, I came here to share everything I produced in terms of artistic direction for this project, which had several changes but maintained its roots, so get ready because there's a lot of stuff

Taking into consideration that it would be a 3D game, I took some references that would fit into the project, such as Okami and Journey to redesign the character, bringing something simpler and with a more recognizable shape, I took advantage of this to bring some key points for creating characters for the game

Model sheets

This was one of the parts that I had the most fun with, I spoke several times with the 3D people to try my best to make a coherent model that would make their lives a lot easier during the production of the model that should be more stylized than realistic, relying on emissives and strong colors, the good thing is that the texture of the images can be used to compose the models

Cenário inicial 

Initially the game would start in the village of Ifé, but as we organized the project we decided to cut some parts and focus on the second part of the script where the player could enjoy all the key aspects of the game such as interaction, battles and exploration


From this, several thumbnails were made to guide me better in the conceptual arts that needed to be done to organize the atmosphere of the game


References for 3D models

After the concepts were ready, it was just a matter of organizing some smaller elements. I tried to bring some more specific references so that modelers could have a better view of the props that needed to be created based on the concepts.

Chat and UI tests

And last but not least, I did some tests for the game's chat interface, in which important characters would appear with different expressions and body designs, I really liked this version with the clouds and it incredibly worked well for the project!


E por fim mas não menos importantes fiz alguns testes para a interface de chat do jogo, em que personagens importantes apareceriam com expressões variadas e desenho do corpo, eu gostei bastante dessa versão com as nuvens e incrivelmente funcionou no projeto!

There was a lot for this holiday project, and that’s not all! Soon maybe I'll come back with part 3 of the process here, probably bringing a really cool playable demo for you to see, and that's it for today, and thank you very much for reading this far

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